5 Great Benefits of Hiring a Life Coach Now

By Suzana Mihajlovic • 10th June 2021

Are you looking to take that next major step in your life; that giant leap forward that will catapult both your professional and personal life? If so, then you may unknowingly be in the market for a life coach — or as we like to put it, someone who has the knowledge and experience in unlocking your potential.

Whatever your word may be for it, life coaches are commonly hired by some of the world’s leading athletes, CEOs and entrepreneurs. Our job is to maximise their potential and help them set and achieve all the goals that will take their life to the next level.

In this article, we’re going to take you through what a life coach is, and how you can benefit in your personal and professional life by hiring one.

Who Are Life Coaches & What Do They Do?

Life coaches are professionally trained individuals who help you detect and maximise your strengths in order to achieve your full potential. For example, Your2Minds (Y2M) very own Suzana Mihajlovic is a trained Proctor Gallagher Institute Consultant. Like Suzana, professional life coaches all around the world have to pass extensive and complex training in order to be able to do their job. What this means for you, is that your life coach will know how to ask all the right questions, how to listen, and how to guide you in the best way possible.

Life coaches are a fine blend between a supportive friend and objective mentor in whose advice you can definitely trust. Their role is to help you find your best-self and define your ultimate ambitions and targets. A life coach will hold you accountable for your actions; and together, you will work on finding the best possible version of yourself.

Now, what exactly do life coaches do? They inspire you and guide you through a plethora of personal and professional issues. First of all, life coaches will analyse you and your current situation. Their job is to detect and eliminate wrong beliefs, misconceptions and other challenges that could be potentially holding you back and preventing you from prospering.

Benefits of Hiring a Life Coach

The benefits of hiring a life coach are numerous. They primarily depend on the specific goals you have set in collaboration with your coach. Some of the most common areas in which clients detect improvements are:

  • Setting big “C-Type” goals and envisioning your success
  • Understanding how to tap into the most potent, most powerful tool for success, your mind
  • Recognising your limiting beliefs and bypassing them
  • Financial independence
  • Motivation and keeping you accountable
  • Promotions
  • Growing your business
  • Communicational skills
  • Creating and nurturing both your personal and professional network of people
  • Balancing your professional and personal life
  • Defining your core values
  • Improvement of sentimental and other kinds of relationships
  • Fitness goals and weight loss

To sum up the above, life coaches will help you boost any segment of your life and maximise your potentials. Even when it comes to fitness, it has been shown that training in combination with life coaching can bring up to four times better results than just training on its own.

Now, we will explain five of these benefits in more detail:

Recognising your Limiting Beliefs and Bypassing Them

All of us could find an outside perspective useful every once in a while. Sometimes, our thoughts can paralyse us, and prevent us from reaching our goals. Negative thoughts and limiting beliefs can get stuck in our mind and create a vicious loop of undermining our own skills and abilities.

This is a great opportunity for a life coach to step in. Life coaches will provide you with fresh ideas and help you successfully come out of this loop, and help you make the changes that will help you break through your barriers.

Achieving Fitness Goals & Balancing Your Life

You can benefit from having a life coach if you are trying to stay in shape, lose weight or you’re trying to change your eating habits. This process is slow and it may seem daunting from time to time, and results are only visible after months and months of hard work.

It is in our nature to seek instant gratification and success. This is why having a “cheerleader” on your side can work a miracle. Among other tasks, a life coach focus on keeping your spirits high when you feel like skipping your work out session or meal prepping.

Finding the right balance between your private and professional life can sometimes be quite a trick. A life coach will provide you with advice on how to find that equilibrium.

Motivation & Accountability

Every now and again, our motivation levels take a dip. Whether you are a business owner or a student, there will be a time when you will start questioning and doubting yourself. That is all natural and normal. Having a life coach that will give you a push forward when you need it most is a great benefit.

On the other hand, a life coach will always hold you accountable for your actions. When you make a decision, you need to take full responsibility. Having a cheat day while on a diet? No problem, just try not making a habit out of it.

Bringing Together Reliable Information

By working with a life coach, you will create a special bond, through which you will have full trust in one another. Working with someone whose ideas and philosophy you trust will leave some space to consult with them about different aspects of your life, and allow them to gather professional and reliable information for you. This especially comes in handy when getting rid of stress or trying to live a healthier life comes in focus. They can scan a massive amount of data and deliver the results that are helpful for your individual case.

Financial Independence

First, let’s define financial independence. It is having enough money from multiple revenue streams that you don’t have to work again. Of course, if you enjoy your job, you can keep it despite being financial independent.

This concept usually implies having enough means to support yourself. How much money you need to reach it depends primarily on your life style. Working with a life coach, while setting financial independence as your goal can be more than fruitful. They will help you keep your focus and perhaps help you question the spending choices you make.

Working with a life coach can sometimes have some stigma around it. As we have shown you, it doesn’t need to be that way. Having a life coach is more like a prolific partnership than a one-direction stream.

Like we mentioned the benefits collaborate with a life coach are numerous, and you can be certain you will reach your goals with the right guidance, much sooner than going it alone.

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