YES! I Want To Accelerate My Success.
Performance Coach & Mentor, Suzana, explains exactly how this free masterclass will help you master ANY area of your life. Watch now!
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You wanted more, we listened! Our previous masterclass was a smashing success. So we’re bringing back another free masterclass in September.
What’s stopping you from achieving all of your financial, business and life goals?
It sounds simple but it starts with mindset. Join our upcoming ‘Your Opulent Self’ Masterclass Series to find out how you can unlock your highest potential, achieve your aspirations and live the life you’ve always dreamed of. You already have what it takes.
At the end of my 7-Day Masterclass, you’ll be one step closer to transforming your life for good. Find out how you can:
Shift your mindset to achieve ANY goal in life
Whether it’s more cash flow, business growth, confidence, relationships or earning more money, we’ll show you what exactly needs to happen for you to start succeeding in the areas of your life that are important to you.
Unblock barriers that could be holding you back
There can be so much holding us back. Fear. Stress. Lack of time. Uncertainty. Learn exactly how you can unblock these barriers and start living your life at the highest potential.
Find your purpose and define a clear path to success
Understanding what our purpose is in life can be difficult. Some know exactly what they want, others struggle with defining it. There’s a proven way to take you to a place filled with purpose and a clear path to get you there.
What to expect for each session?
You’ll receive your very own workbook to work with during the 7 days. Each day, I’ll kick off a Live Session at 12pm (AEST) in a private group (that I’ll invite you to join once you register) and we’ll go through the workbook. The workbook has been designed to be simple and clear but extremely impactful. There are deliberately only a few questions that you need to answer each day, so it doesn’t take too much time. During the session, the group can ask any questions they’d like. Plus, you’ll also have a 1:1 designated Success Advisor that will help you outside of the masterclass. Now that’s support!
20 September @ 12PM (AEST)
45 min session
21 September @ 12PM (AEST)
45 min session
22 September @ 12PM (AEST)
45 min session
23 September @ 12PM (AEST)
45 min session
24 September @ 12PM (AEST)
45 min session
DAY 6 & 7
25 & 26 September @ 12PM (AEST)
45 min sessions
Don’t forget, all sessions will be recorded and available to watch at a later time for the duration of the 7-day course.
“Suzana Mihajlovic you have summed up Your Opulent Self Masterclass beautifully, it was vibrant, provided us with real gems to take forward in our lives and from behind the scenes it was exciting seeing the changes taking place for people. I loved every minute of it.”
“A special HUUUUUGGGGGEEEEE THAAAANNNQQQQQ TO Suzana Mihajlovic for our Your Opulent Self chat/coaching session yesterday morning
She just gets it, gets me, has a gift!!
And is incredible at what she does!”
“We are our own life’s biggest investment. We need to keep adding to that, we need to continue to grow, expand, and being in as special a program like Your Opulent Self…is the most rewarding part!”
“A positively amazing support system full of love and understanding, to help break the cycles of self-sabotaging, toxic & bad habits!”
Hear what a few more of our client’s have to say!
Join today and save $1,997 plus get your powerful 15-minute goal-achieving call AND a Chapter of Suzana’s book Your2Minds – FREE!
But hurry, this BONUS FREE offer is limited to the first 50 people who sign up today!

My name is Suzana Mihajlovic and I’m in the top 1% of certified consultants from the Proctor Gallagher Institute.
I have helped 1600+ individuals just like you unlock their potential and achieve success in various areas of their lives!
For a limited time I am offering my 7-Day Masterclass Series valued at $1,997 absolutely FREE!
Complete the form below to register.
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